TOEFL Coaching

Master Minds: The Best TOEFL Coaching Centre In Ludhiana

TOEFL, also known as or called the Test of English as a Foreign Language, is an exam that tests your English proficiency. It helps you in securing admission to universities abroad. It is also useful for immigration and work visas. If you want to score high marks in TOEFL, get our TOEFL program, as Master Minds is the best TOEFL coaching centre in Ludhiana. We have experienced course instructors and comprehensive study material and offer regular practice and mock tests to ensure you score high marks and ace the TOEFL exam. So, enrol now in our TOEFL course.

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

It is an exam that is accepted by many universities and is also used for work visas and immigration. It shows you are proficient in the English language. The TOEFL test that is divided into four sections: reading, writing, listening and speaking. In each section, different questions are asked to test the student’s ability to understand and use English. Join Master Minds, the best TOEFL coaching centre in Ludhiana. We provide extensive training for all question types and sections to ensure that you score your desired results and secure admission to your desired university abroad.

In the reading section of the exam, there are two long passages on which the questions are based. The total time for the reading section is 35 minutes. 

In the listening section, there are 3 lectures and 2 conversations on which the questions are based, and this section is 36 minutes.  In the writing section, one integrated task and one writing for academic discussion are asked, and this module is 29 minutes long. Lastly, the speaking module also consists of one independent task and three integrated questions are asked. The speaking section lasts for 16 minutes. We provide extensive training for all these sections in our curriculum to prepare the students to secure high marks in their TOEFL exams.

Why Choose Master Minds For TOEFL Coaching?

Experienced Instructors

We have the best and most experienced faculty members who can help students prepare for their exams. They teach students all the modules, train them extensively and resolve all their doubts to ensure that they score good marks.

Study Material

The TOEFL exam also needs a lot of practice and guidance. We at Master Minds, the best TOEFL coaching centre in Ludhiana, provide you with the best study material that can help you practise and master question types to score well.

Mock Tests

Some students are nervous about the test. We help such students by taking mock tests, which provide a real exam-like environment to prepare them mentally. We focus on areas students lack during their mock tests to ensure they perform well in their final exam.

Our Curriculum

We have designed our curriculum in a way that can help students with their TOEFL preparation. We ensure that we cover each section and question type asked extensively in the TOEFL exam to prepare students for the real exam.

Proven Track Record

We have a list of students who aced their exams and achieved their desired scores. We help you provide the best coaching to help you accomplish your dreams of studying abroad through our effective TOEFL coaching.

Use Personal Examples

Including personal examples in your body paragraphs is a great way to increase your score. In your body paragraphs, try to support your argument using short stories from your own life.For instance, if your argument is that working on school assignments in groups is better than working alone, write about a time you had a really important group project in high school. Mention what you had to do, describe the people you worked with, and conclude by mentioning the score you got on the assignment.Meanwhile, if your argument is that travelling in your own country is better than travelling to an international destination, tell a story about a family trip you took as a child. Include as many interesting details as you can remember.
Remember that your personal examples don’t need to be real. If you can’t think of something from your life, just make something up!Personal examples are not mandatory, but most students find them easier to write than more abstract concepts. Students who use personal examples in their essays often make fewer grammar mistakes and write longer essays.Speaking of longer essays, remember that there is no word limit. The instructions you see on test day say that an effective response is “typically 300 words.” But there is no penalty for writing more than that.If your target score is quite high, try to write about 350 to 400 words. A longer essay will give you more room to demonstrate the range of your vocabulary. It will also give you more room to use advanced grammatical structures, which could improve your score.

Show Off Your Vocabulary

To get a really good score, you need to show off your English vocabulary. Try to avoid repeating key words more than three or four times throughout the essay. If you notice a word appearing in your essay again and again, take a moment to think of a synonym you can replace it with. Don’t worry if the replacement word has a slightly different meaning. Be bold!
You should also avoid using boring adjectives like “good” and “bad.” Instead of mentioning a “good teacher” in your personal example, try talking about a “knowledgeable teacher.” Instead of referring to a “big problem,” try mentioning a “terrible problem.”

Use Transitional Phrases

The raters also expect you to connect your ideas using transitional phrases. These are things like: As a result However Therefore In addition In contrast
Generally, the easiest place to use a transitional phrase is at the very beginning of a sentence. They really increase the power and persuasiveness of your arguments by linking ideas and showing connections.
For instance, instead of saying something like: “I formed a group with several of my classmates and met them in the library. I heard a lot of ideas that were totally new to me.” Transform that into something more persuasive: “I formed a group with several of my classmates and met them in the library. As a result, I heard a lot of ideas that were totally new to me.”
Or turn something like this: “Steven helped me review some challenging math formulas. I ended up with a great score on the test.” Into something like this: “Seven helped me review some challenging math formulas. Therefore, I ended up with a great score on the test.”

Join Master Minds Today

Master Minds is the best coaching institute in Ludhiana. We provide coaching for different exams and help students achieve their dreams. We provide TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), which prepares students for all the modules and question types. Our instructors, study material and comprehensive training prepare students and help them achieve their TOEFL scores. So, join Master Minds today!

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